
SYSCO organizes racing around fleets. The variety of fleets available provides flexibility in meeting racers' objectives. SYSCO fleets consist of:


  • One-Design fleets consisting of boats of the same type
  • Level fleets consisting of boats of different types scored without handicapping by agreement. These fleets can set rules to ensure similar boat performance. Cruising fleets, for example, are Level fleets where boats agree to race without using spinnakers.
  • Handicap fleets consisting of boats scored according to a handicapping rule such as PHRF

  • Three or more boats can race as a fleet

    SYSCO currently has eighteen defined fleets:

    Current Fleets
    Cal 20 Catalina 22 Cruising A Crusing B Crusing C Crusing D
    J - 24 J - 105 Level Martin 24 Melges 24 Merit 25
    ORC PHRF A PHRF B PHRF C Ranger 20 Venture 21

    Race Committees

    It's important to note that SYSCO does not directly provide the manpower to run SYSCO races. Instead, each SYSCO fleet, in rotation, provides the Race Committee for races on designated dates.

    Each boat in a fleet plays a part in ensuring the fleet meets its RC responsibilities.

    Race Committee consists of all volunteers. Each race committee needs:

  • Committee Boat (Platform Boat)
  • Principal Race Officer
  • RC Members on the Committee Boat to:
    •      (1) Check in Racers
    •      (2) Define race course
    •      (3) Execute starting sequences
    •      (4) Record finishes
  • RC Members on Mark Boat to set and retrieve the marks of the course and assist boats in need.
  • 2024 Fleet Captain Guide for SYSCO Racing